

Monday 30 September 2013


If you pick up any tech magazine or visit in IT related websites/blogs, I'm sure you'll see a talk about cloud computing. But the only only problem with the cloud computing is not everyone agrees on what it is. If you ask ten different IT professionals what cloud computing is, you'll surely get ten different answers! Typical answers you get are
  • widely distributed
  • network based
  • storage
  • computation
  • utility computing
  • HaaS
  • PaaS
  • Saas
Some customer oriented definitions
  • Anytime
  • anywhere
  • with any device
  • accessing any services

When you store your photos online instead of on your home computer, or use webmail or a social networking site, you are actually using the "cloud" service. If you are an organization, and you want to use, for example, an online invoicing instead of updating the in-house one you have been using for many years, that online invoicing service is a "cloud computing" service.
Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing resources over the internet. Instead of keeping data on your own hard drive or updating applications for your needs, at another location, to store your information or use its applications. Doing so may give rise to certain privacy implications. Cloud services allow individuals and businesses to use software and hardware that are managed by third parties at remote locations. Examples of cloud services include online file storage, social networking sites, email, and online business applications. The cloud computing model allows access to information and computer resources from anywhere that a network connection is available. Cloud computer provides a shared pool of resources, including data storage space, networks, computer processing power, and specialized corporate and user applications.

Key Characteristics:
  • Universal access
  • Scalable services
  • Infrastructure managing the scaling, not applications.
  • Elasticity: Expenses only incurred when they are needed.
  • New Application Service Models
  • XaaS = X as a Service
  • Pay-as-you-go

Monday 23 September 2013

SQL Injection attacks and Countermeasures

(for educational purpose only)

Most modern web applications rely on dynamic content to achieve the appeal of traditional desktop windowing programs. This dynamism is typically achieved by retrieving updated data from a database. One of the more popular platforms for web datastores is SQL, and many web applications are based entirely on front-end scripts that simply query a SQL database, either on the web server itself or a separate back-end system. One of the most insidious attacks on a web application involves hijacking the queries used by the front-end scripts themselves to attain control of the application or its data. One of the most efficient mechanisms for achieving this is a technique called SQL injection.
SQL injection refers to inputting raw Transact SQL queries into an application to perform an unexpected action. Often, existing queries are simply edited to achieve the same results—Transact SQL is easily manipulated by the placement of even a single character in a judiciously chosen spot, causing the entire query to behave in quite malicious ways. Some of the characters commonly used for such input validation attacks include the backtick (`), the double dash(--) and the semicolon (;), all of which have special meaning in Transact SQL.
What sorts of things can crafty hacker do with a usurped SQL query? Well, for starters, they could potentially access unauthorized data. With even sneakier techniques, they can bypass authentication or even gain complete control over the web server or back-end SQL system.

Example of SQL Injections
To see whether the application is vulnerable to SQL injections, type any of the following in the form fields.

Bypassing Authentication
To authenticate without any credentials:
Username: ‘OR”=’
Password: ‘OR”=’
To authenticate with just the username:
Username: admin’--
To authenticate as the first user in the “users” table:
Username: ‘ or 1=1--
To authenticate as a fictional user:
Username: ‘union select 1,’users’,’passwd’1--

Causing Destruction
To drop a dbase table:
Username: ‘;drop table users--
To shut down the dbase remotely:
Username: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa’
Password: ‘;shutdown--

Executing Function Calls and Stored Procedures
Executing xp_cmdshell to get a directory listing:
Executing xp_servicecontrol to manipulate services:
Not all the syntax shown here works on every proprietary dbase implementation. The following information indicates whether some of the techniques outlined above will work on certain dbase platforms:

Database-Specific Information:

UNION possible
Subselects possible
Multiple statements
Default stored procedures
Other comments

SQL Injection Countermeasures:

Here is an extensive but not complete list of methods used to prevent SQL injection:
·         Perform string input validation on any input from the client. Follow the common programming mantra of “constrain, reject and sanitize” – that is, constrain your input where possible (for example, only allow numeric formats for a ZIP code field), reject input that doesn’t fit the pattern, and sanitize where constraint is not practical. When sanitizing, consider validating data type, length, range and format correctness. See the Regular Expression Library at for a great sample of regular expressions for validating inputs.
·         Replace direct SQL statements with stored procedures, prepared statements, or ADO command objects. If you can’t use stored procs, use parameterized queries.
·         Implement default error handling. This would include using a general error message for all errors.
·         Lock down ODBC. Disable messaging to clients. Don’t let regular SQL statements through. This ensures that no client, not just the web application, can execute arbitrary SQL.
·         Lock down the dbase server configuration. Specify users, roles and permissions. Implement triggers at the RDBMS layer. This way, even if someone can get to the dbase and get arbitrary SQL statements to run, they won’t be able to do anything they’re not supposed to.